Ahhhhhh.....my first weekend with nothing on the schedule in a LONG time! What to do? Go to gym and do a class! Since leaving and starting my new job, I really miss my Fitfam and the encouragement and laughs I had with them. Seeing familiar faces this morning made me very happy!
Then I went shopping! Next weekend, a few of us are doing Foam Fest and the gals were looking for identical tanks to wear....well I found them!!!
I realized that dressing the same next weekend excites me just a little too much. LOL. Under Armour makes the best shirts! After Sport Chek came Fitness Depot. The participants of the free bootcamps give donations when they come. This allows me to buy new equipment to use in class. Look what they get to look forward to tomorrow night...
I'm sure many have never used a medicine ball..should be fun! |
Then onto the Running Room for new sneakers. If you follow me on instagram, you know that my feet have nasty blisters on the pad under the big toe...both feet. With half marathon training in full force, I thought I might try a sneaker with a bit more cushioning to see if it will help. Many of my friends use Aisics and swear by them...so off I went to buy my own. As I walk into running room, they recognize me and are all too eager to help. And that's when I realize the first thing....if any non-runners overheard us talking, they would have no idea what we were talking about. ie) minimalist shoe, what's the drop, why don't other company's put it in the shoe like Saucony, what km's do you do, how many pairs do you have? Only runners can understand these questions and can answer you properly! The other thing I realized is that we say running is the cheapest sport out there....oh sure...until you get addicted to running clothes, electronics, and the fact that you need to replace your sneakers every 300 miles or so....and at $200 a pair...that gets expensive!
Just a small run to test them out...then home to some electric currents! |
Then I realized my second thing....my sneakers are like a relationship...the minute I put on something other than my usual brand of Saucony's....I felt like I was cheating. I even said it out loud...and yes...the other customers in the store (obviously not runners) looked at me like I had 10 heads. But honestly...I know other runners feel it too...I mean...when you become attached to a brand, you know what to expect from them...they are comfortable and help support you through some difficult miles. Don't worry dear Saucony's, you are not permanently replaced....you will still be in the rotation!
And the final thing I realized today. When I am working out, I eat better. After all the shopping was done today, I was starved. Instead of stopping at Wendy's...which I have been doing the last few weeks...I resisted the urge and came home and made a healthy lunch. When I get in a slump...I really get in a slump...no exercise...eating bad...etc. Back on the wagon I am!!!
I hope all of you are getting a nice run or workout in this weekend. Tomorrow is my 2nd 12k run on the half marathon training plan...so far so good. Thanks for checking in....Run, Relax, and Repeat!
Hey those are the same shoes I'm in! I'm totally shocked actually that you and I have the same shoes!! That's never happened...lol. The Asics Nimbus are definitely the best shoe I've run in yet. I hope they work well for you. :) Cute tank!