Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Ab workout for Runners and Where the Heck is Spring??

Last night a friend and I went to see 'The Other Woman'.  It was Laugh Out Loud funny!  I do enjoy a good chick flick and highly recommend that all you ladies out there go see it.  Here is the link to the trailer if you're not familiar with it.

FUNNY....go see it NOW!
Tonight was a group run....and it was cold!  Not -18 cold...but 5 degrees celcius cold.  IT'S APRIL!!!  The normal temperatures for this time of year is +11-12....where are those temperatures?  Look at me in this picture....

My hands were frozen at this point.  I want warm weather!
I came home and quickly set up the camera to record a core workout for runners.  A strong core is very important for runners as it helps us keep strong form as we increase distance and get tired.  The video is only 7.5 minutes long...but packs a punch!  Check it out here.

Not to disappoint, the zoo makes an appearance in the video.

This weekend marks my 2nd 10km race.  I'm not sure what to expect as the route description says that the "Route has a number of hills and incline challenges."  I do not expect a PR with a description like that...but anything is possible!  I am also speaking after the run at the reception.  When asked how long they would like me to speak, my answer was 7-10 minutes.  LOL.  They have obviously never met me in person...I can talk that long in my sleep.  LOL

I hope each of you have a fantastic rest of the week!  Get out there, do something new, and have fun!


  1. the movie looks really funny! I think we're going on a date next weekend- wahoo! :D
    I'll have to check out your ab video, I mainly do 8 minute abs. Good Luck on your run this weekend, which one is it?

    1. It was funny. It's A Shore Thing in Liverpool. It is the first year for the race so we'll see how it goes!

  2. I always have to laugh when course description so clearly mentions "challenges"! It means it'll be a fun one!

    1. Oh Ali....I like your positivity...all I picture are MOUNTAINS when I read that. LOL

  3. I want to see that movie too. Nice video! Have fun this weekend!
