Saturday, 9 November 2013

T-shirts & Apple Sauce

Happy Weekend everyone!!!

Monday is Remembrance day...please take a moment to remember everyone who fights for the freedom we all treasure.

Last night I was working on a t-shirt design for our group.  We are trying to decide on long or short sleeve and then a saying to put on the back.  I posted the pic below and then group members came up with other sayings such as:
  • Running....cheaper than therapy.
  • Tough Runs don't last....tough runners do.
  • If you see me collapse....pause my timer.

I think that no matter what saying we choose...I do like the sneaker graphic with it.  The front of the shirt will have our group name on it as well.

Today was a group run at was a very chilly morning.    Remember when I was posting temperatures in the 30's???  We actually did have flurries while we were running today!!

A small group of us formed for a short 4k run.  Because I use the gymboss app on my phone, another runner decided to track our distance with her nike app.  As we ran, I would ask her our distance, and she'd reply....each time I ran this all summer...I'm sure my garmin told me a different distance.  Anyways...turns out she had her nike app in miles...not kms.  LOL.  What she thought was 4km was actually 4 miles...pushing our run to 6k.  WAY TO GO GROUP!!!  We also bumped up our run time to 2 minutes run, 1 minute proud as everyone was in a SUPER great mood despite the added mileage!!!

My mom came in today for a short visit...and guess what?  She bought me an early Christmas present that I absolutely LOVE!!!!  I've been eyeing this baby for a couple of months now and finally decided it was meant to be with me.

And to cap off the chilly afternoon, I decided to make applesauce in my slow cooker.  A gal at work mixes it with her oatmeal in the morning and I'm anxious to try it.

8 apples - peeled and sliced
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar

Add apples and water to slow cooker....on high for 2-2.5 hours.  Sprinkle with sugar.  YUM!!  ps...I added cinnamon as I love the extra flavor!!

Well I'm off to relax and watch some curling on TV.   I hope you all have an amazing weekend!!!

What running sayings would you like to see on a t-shirt????


  1. Great slogans. I laughed at the collapse\timer one! We need some shirts for the lucky 7 relay... any ideas?

  2. Let's talk tutus ladies! ;) Just kidding....only if you guys want to. I'm so up for that. :D

    I can't believe we are already into snow flurry running weather! Weren't we wearing shorts just a couple of weeks ago???

    1. I'm with Heather...tutus. It's going to be a chilly run and I suspect we'll have jackets on...possibly won't see a tshirt??? Today's snow flurries were kind of nice...but that's all I want to see. LOL
