Saturday, 5 October 2013

A Short Run with Company AND October Goals!

It's the weekend!!! 

I wasn't feeling great last night and thought I might have a cold rearing it's ugly head so I hit the sheets at 7:30 last night.  I am feeling much better this morning!  It's a beautiful, sunny morning here with temperatures of 7 degrees.

Janet from jan.etc shared an instagram photo the other day of her run in her vibrams.  It reminded me that I have mine laying idle in the closet.  This morning was the morning to pull those bad boys out!!  Because they mimic barefoot running, it is wise not to go long distances in them until your legs are ready.  This meant a short slow run this morning.....and so I asked a pal if he wanted to join me! 

 I guess that is a yes!  Like I said....we didn't go far (2k)....but it was really fun to have him along for the ride!  I think this is going to become a routine of ours!

I can see the smile on his face!
Okay....onto my October goals.  These aren't profound or a stretch for that matter, but they are something I'd like to hold myself to.
  1. Complete some form of physical exercise every day!  I'm not saying I'm going to do an hour every day but some amount.  With the days getting shorter, I have a tendency to come home from work and flop on the couch to catch up on facebook and blog reading.  I am committing to myself that I will do something for at least 15 minutes.  I have been going through my Women's Heath magazines and Running magazines and have come up with some exercises that I think I'll enjoy adding to my weekly workouts.
  2. Run every other day.  I don't care the mileage...for instance I did only 2k today...but it was fun and I was running!!
  3. Get back on track for eating healthy at work!  My office is horrible from now until after Christmas for having chocolate and baked goods around.  I need to ensure that I have tasty healthy treats available to ward off the snacking!
Well that's about it for now.  Remember when setting your own goals to follow the S.M.A.R.T methodology.  They should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely!! Vague goals do not help you!!

Well I'm off to decorate the front stoop for fall/Halloween....stay tuned for pics. :-)  Have a great weekend and run in the leaves if you get the chance!!!


  1. Awesome goals, I am sure you will do great! :-)

  2. P.S.

    Thank you for your continued support, encouragement and inspiration! I love your blog! :-)

    I have nominated you for the “Sisterhood of The World Blogger Award” should you choose to accept this award visit my post. Happy blogging!

    1. Ahhhh...Kimmie...thanks for that. I will check it out today!!!
