Saturday, 28 September 2013

Run or Dye - The BEST race!!!

I'm going to warn you....this post has a TON of pictures.  Today was the Run or Dye run (not race) at Ski Martock.  If you have ever run in know that I speak the truth when I say it was the MOST FUN I have ever had at a run!!!

But first I needed gas before we headed out!
Heather and I got there nice and early, boarded a bus, and landed at the start line around 8:30am or so!!
So clean!!! Little did I know....
And so it began!

At the start line, they just keep throwing dye packets in the crowd and people break them open and throw them's actually funny to feel it hitting your face!!  And Heather got a LOT of it in the face.  LOL (this is still at the start line....we haven't even started running)
 All of the people in the starting shoot sang O'Canada on the MC's instruction.  It was actually goosebumpy to hear everyone around me singing and laughing and having such a great time.  It makes anything bad in the world seem so far away!!!! (I apologize as the video is sideways...but you get the picture.)
 As you ran around the course....a very hilly course...there were numerous dye stations where additional colors were thrown at you.  You could see the powder in the air long before you got to the station! 
All I jump for joy!  LOL

A bus picture on the way back!!!
This was an amazing run.  The event was very well organized (from what I could see) and I would say that everyone had a FANTASTIC time.  If you haven't run in one of these need to do it NOW!!! I know I'm signing up for next year!  I am still smiling and will relive these memories for a long time!!!
The good news is that a quick shower has all the powder from my hair and body....good news as I need to go to the grocery store later!


  1. Looks like fun! We ended up deciding not to go to the race. From facebook, it looks like some people were late for the race due to traffic?

    1. Sorry you guys decided not to go. Yes....there was an accident which held people up but Heather and I had left good and early and missed all that stuff. Glad you got a run in with your new belt!

  2. Looks like such a fun race :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. It was a blast and I would recommend it to anyone!!!

  3. This was such a super fun race! I'm all clean again, finally! ;)

  4. Such a fun race!! I love all the photos, but the jumping for joy photo is my favorite! :-)
