Sunday, 22 September 2013

Sackville Sneaker Shredder Review

Well...that wasn't much fun!

If you want a course that will give you a personal best, this is NOT the course.  If you want a course that will give you hill training...this is the course.

I knew from the start, which was a huge downhill, that the finish...up the same hill would be difficult.  Who puts a steep hill at the end of a 3, 5, 10, and 15k race????  I actually thought this was going to be a fairly flat course....boy was I wrong!!!  And I only ran the 5k...people who ran the 10 and 15k got it even worse than I did.  I overheard people at the finish line talking about how this is the hardest course they've run in a long time...and these are people that I know who race regularly!!!

This should have been the sign as we approached the last 500 meters.
The good part of the run was that I was able to meet some new runners that I will probably see at future races.  K's inlaws ran today as well and they had some great advice for my IT Band.  Her BIL said that since he started taking glucosamine he hasn't had problems.  Guess what I'm buying today!!!

I also had friends running the 10k and it was nice to see their cheering squad out on the course and at the finish line!!  Since I only did the 5k, I walked back out the course and ran in with these friends and K's inlaws!  I tell you....that last 200 meter push really sucked!!

Left: me before the race
Right: Kim and I after the race
This was definitely not a PB race or day for that matter but I had fun.  My knees were okay...not great....but I pushed through the knee pain I had for the last kilometer.

So like I said at the start....if you want a challenge, this is the course for you!!!  If you want a PB, better skip this one.


  1. Great time for a hilly race! Congrats on another successful race under your belt.

    I decided against the race I was going to do today... I didn't realize the registration was 25 dollars.

  2. Great run!

    I am wondering if the course covers a similar area to the hilly Halloween 10k we did in Sackville once???

    Cool medals!

  3. No....I remember that one that you's on the other side of town.

  4. Well done on finishing! I think sometimes its just fun to be a part of the race, enjoy and not think about PBs etc. :-)
