Sunday 30 August 2015

My Foot Saga Continues

Sunday....runday!!  But first....I played my first 9 holes of golf.  Thank god the people who played at the same time had patience.  I played best ball with my friend Paul which means that most of the time that we played where his ball landed.  3 out of the 9 holes I was actually able to play my ball the whole time!!

The funny thing is that I took a cart so I wouldn't be on my feet as much...but I ended up running between hits....everyone was laughing at me!!  As soon as I got home, I changed and headed out the door for my planned 14k run.  It wasn't as humid this week but I still packed my camelback and headed out.  If you follow instagram or have been following me for a while, then you know that my feet are never happy.  Today I tried second skin and taping to aid with the pain that hits at 10k.

Pic taken at 12k mark.
On the right foot, I constantly felt like the tape was slipping and going between my toes...I stopped at 5k, at 9k, and finally at 12k to check.  At each point, nothing looked like it was 12k I actually ripped it off and did the final 2k without the tape!  My feet were still sore at the 10k point....I just don't get it!  Next week I am going to try plain old Vaseline to see if it makes a difference.
The final kilometer was tough...not going to lie.  As soon as I hit the 14k mark, I sat on the first front deck that I saw....lucky for me it was a friends.
When I come home from my long run, I just want to sit down for a while....but I'm sweating like crazy so this is what my sofa looks like for an hour or so....
And this was the first run that my thighs have ever chaffed.  This is odd as I wore almost the exact same outfit to run my half last year and had no chaffing.  I guess the humidity affects more than just my breathing and pace!  Needless to say.....the shower was painful! 
It doesn't look like much....but darn it stung!!!
And now that I've left you with that wonderful image....I've got to go finishing planning for 6pm bootcamp!  I hope you all have a great week!!!


  1. OUCH! I know that exact thigh chaffe feeling. :( I body glide my thighs now in these humid runs.

  2. Such a nice experience you have shared here with us good to know about your fitness life.Thanks and keep sharing.

  3. We should hang out together more with all our injuries. I've had THE WORST chafing I've ever had this summer - it's been brutal. I even went shopping for a new bra to see if that would work, so far so good.
