Monday 24 June 2013

My wish list and a new running contact

It's Monday...not so funday.  Monday's always make me tired...maybe because I know it's only the beginning of the week.  Bonus to Mondays....The Bachelorette!!!

Today I had a fun little surprise.  A co-worker (whom I have only met once/twice in person) emailed me and said she saw my name on the Epic 5k registration.  Turns out she's been running for 11 years and recently completed the Bluenose 1/2 in 1:52 (I would be elated to run this fast at some point).  She loves to run races and was to able to feed my 'running gab' during work today.  Turns out she loves to chat about running as much as I do.  YAY!!!!

Last night as I'm looking over my facebook, I noticed a friend of mine had posted an amazing picture.  Her arms are super toned and on my wish list...even if I could reach 50% I'd be happy!  I also know how hard she works each day to keep this physique...god bless her!  PS...we're going to have a handstand competition sometime soon.  She better be practicing. :-)
Many years of hard work and a paddling career!

This leads me to my second do this:

Unfortunately today my body was craving junk...aka...chocolate...and I can't fight it. You know that invisible elastic that you are supposed to put on the runner in front of you....yes...well...that elastic is around every piece of chocolate I see.  Damn you sweet, melt-in-my-mouth goodness!! 
Okay...I'm off to do ab and arm exercises in the hopes of getting close to Karen's picture above.
Thanks for stopping by!


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