Friday, 23 June 2017

And......I'm back

Hello faithful readers!

I have realized something over the last few months, when you aren't running and your blog is mostly about really don't have much to chat about!

Let me catch you up!  12 weeks after my double stress fracture diagnosis, I tried running 1km...yup...1km.  It was a gorgeous sunny day here in NS and I couldn't resist.  I was so happy at the end when there was no pain and the next day...minimal pain.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor
Don't let the snow fool was warmish out
The hardest part about stress fractures is that there is no time  It's all about how you feel.  I am now over 6 months post diagnosis and still 'healing'.  When I did start back, I started back slowly.  My fitness level had dropped a lot given I wasn't allowed to run or jump or do anything impact.  I have had to change my mental outlook on running and really just enjoy the fact that I am running my speed or distance there?  No...but I am running.

At the beginning of June, I wanted a follow up bone scan to see where my healing was at so off I went to be injected with dye once again.  The results?  My left leg is completely healed (YAY), and my right leg shows signs of a 'healing' stress fracture.  Again my doctor's advice was "take it easy, alter your activities if you can, but only you will know if you are pushing it too much".  Great....leave a runner to their own devices....LOL. 

So what am I doing?  I have slowly increased my distance...I'm sticking to only 2 runs per week at this point, and throwing workouts in some of the other days.  I usually run 5k mid week, and have started to increase my weekend distance to about 8km.  I'm signed up for a 15k race in September and am hoping that I'll be able to do it if I train smart!  Now that summer is here, I am planning on getting some more biking in.  I'm super lucky to live not far from work and can bike if I choose (I've only done it once so far).

One thing that a running injury does is humble you so watch other runners in complete envy.  The minute you lace up those sneakers and hit the ground is like heaven...until you realize that it is HARD coming back!  Physically, mentally, and emotionally it is HARD.  I am thinking of this as my rebuilding know...professional sports teams have them....I'm going to have one too.  I'm going to run for the complete fun of PB' pressure....just to be out there!
Image result for rebuilding year
So that's where I am now....rebuilding and just enjoying being out there...putting one step in front of the other.  If any readers have any thoughts on coming back from injury, please feel free to reach out...I love hearing from you!

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