Sunday 26 May 2013

Week #4 Training Recap

It's hard to believe that I'm recapping week #4 already.  It's been a very rainy week here in Halifax but I've managed to squeeze runs in around the downpours....I might be a bit of a fair weather least not cold rain.

Monday - called for stretch and strengthen - I worked my abs, arms, and ITB stretching.

Tuesday - called for 5.6k - for some reason I read 5.8k.  My legs were tired due to my crappy hydrating.  To solve this problem I have surrounded my desk with hydrating post-it notes!  Oh yes...back to my 5.8k on the trail with a 6.10 pace.  This has improved by 20 seconds/km over 2 weeks ago.
Wednesday- called for cross training - I completed 20 minutes on the stationary bike (while watching General do not like the new Lu Lu).  Also included ITB stretching / rolling.

Thursday - called for another 5.6k.  My legs were still feeling the run from Tuesday night so I slowed down the pace to 6.20/km and did 5.8k.  I am having a hard time dressing for the weather...overdressing both nights.

Friday - the schedule called for a rest day but Heather and I went for a 12.95k bike ride.  I have not ridden my bike in about a year....and my butt hurt!!!  It pushed my quads as there were inclines...even if they weren't noticeable inclines!!  It sure didn't seem that far a ride though as Heather and I chatted the whole way. I really want to say this was my run for the day....a girl can dream, can't she!
I could only dream of running this pace!
Saturday - called for cross training but because I biked yesterday I called this my rest day. Instead, Heather and I took a trip to Lululemon as she needed to return something and I had a gift certificate from Christmas that was crying to be used.  We both ended up with new running gear. :-)  After Lulu, we hit up the new frozen yogurt place in town.  It was delicious!  I won't even comment on what Heather put on hers.
Frozen Yogurt on pizza corner in Halifax, NS.
Stawberry/Pina Coloda yogurt, strawberries, and watermelon.
 I'll be going back for sure.
Sunday - called for 8k.  It was a gorgeous sunny....yes I did say sunny...morning and I couldn't wait to wear my new Lulu shorts I got yesterday.  I added my compression socks to the mix and it was just the right temperature to start out.  I kept my pace around 6.30/km which is where I'd like to be during the 1/2.  This is the longest run to date this season and I am happy to say that there was no ITB pain. YAY!  Love the lightweight.  The compression socks were very warm but certainly helped my calf muscles for the long run.  Had to add a pic of the Kinvara 3' these runners!

 I must admit that I do feel a little embarrassed when I tell my fast friends what my pace was during my runs.  They are probably thinking they could walk faster than I run...but then I remember this.....
Next week calls for my mileage to increase....eeeek.  I have some room in the schedule so that I could repeat this week....oh...the decisions!!  Tune in next week for my recap and to see how far I've gone.


  1. Yay, I'm glad your 8km went well. I hope you are lovin' the new lulu's! P.S. My butt still hurts too.......LOL. :D

    1. Mine's crazy...I'm hoping it gets better soon so that we can bike again.
