Sunday, 2 November 2014

Never Give up on a Dream

A friend of mine has recently been the perfect example of this quote.  See, she and her husband have strived towards her husband working for the city fire department for the last seven years.  During this time, they have done everything they could to ensure that when that moment came...they would be ready.  He kept his fitness on par, he volunteered with the local community department, and she continually supported him over the past seven years.  Not once did they give up and say "oh well, it wasn't meant to be."  Not once.  Every time the entrance tests came around, he was the first one there.  Time and time again....year over year.  And you know what?  6 weeks ago, they got the call on a Wednesday afternoon that would change their lives and allow their dream to come to light.  Someone had dropped out of the program, opening up one spot that would be available the following Monday.  They were stunned and elated....a seven year journey was winding down....with a new journey about to begin.
Never give up on something you are passionate about and that you think about every day.  More than likely (unless you win the lottery) it is going to take time to achieve it, to make that dream come true...but heck...the time is going to pass anyway.  Back in January I knew I needed a career change...I hated going to work every day...I would have anxiety attacks...not a great way to live.  So I started thinking...what was I passionate about?  Seeing others succeed!!!  And every day since January, it has been in the back of my mind..."how do I follow my passion...and still pay my!"  Today I'm working towards following my passion...albeit it on a part-time basis...but I am following it.  Next week begins a new sort of journey as I become a part-time trainer and instructor and help others reach their goals and push their limits!!  Who knows where it will lead?  But for now....I'm okay with that...I get to figure it out as I go!! 
I guess what I'm trying to say is...follow your heart and make a plan that will take you one step closer.  It might be scary, it might cause others to judge you, but if you are truly passionate about something, find a way to incorporate it into your life!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for another wonderful post. Where else could anybody get that type of info in such an ideal way of writing?
    running medal holder
