Monday, 17 November 2014

Find your Passion...and get paid to do it!

This weekend has brought me full circle from a year ago.  See...I taught my first bootcamp class...and got paid to do it.  YEEHAW!

I also got interviewed for someone's blog...and as I was telling my story I realized I have completed my circle.  Last October, when I founded the running group, I came to realize that I love helping others reach their goals...that it was a passion so-to-speak.

I may not be doing this full time, but I am including my passion into my life...and that makes me extremely happy.  Seeing others step outside of their comfort zone and work towards a goal is inspiring every time and I am honored to be able to be part of it.
Friday night, I worked with a group of ladies that are making fitness a priority, and I get to work with them over the next 5 weeks.  They are being proactive about the holidays!!!
They work at a doggy daycare and that's where
we are holding the training sessions.  Playing with doggies before
class is a BONUS!
I just got the news that my first in-house training session is this Wednesday...a bootcamp class.  I am so excited to push the members of 360Fit and then cross my fingers they come back. 
Something I have realized over the last year is that a person doesn't have to make their dream an 'all or nothing' decision.  Each day, you can work towards achieving something...taking baby steps.  If you've always wanted to write a book...brainstorm ideas, write a paragraph, or a page at a time.  Many of us are not fortunate enough to win the lottery and be able to stop working to follow our dreams...but we can take smaller steps to help us achieve our goals.  And another thing...believe in yourself!!  You can do it!
Now....on another front...I wish there was a job that allowed me to binge watch new-to-me television shows.  I've been searching for something new to watch while 'Suits' is on hiatus...and thanks to Heather over at Girl Goes Running...I started watching Pretty Little Liars!  H-E-L-L-O!!!  8 hours later...I need to know if 'A' is still alive!!  What would you guys do if you were getting texts from someone who was supposed to be dead....can you say creepy????
I'll be sure to let you know how my first member class goes....eeek.  Until then....have a great week!!!!


  1. Oh I know! That "A" person is driving me bonkers! I couldn't stop watching in hopes to figure out who it

  2. so cool, Courteney! It's funny because I was thinking that the facility looked familiar and then I remembered that's where we took Sadie for her training classes:D
    I've been hearing so much about PLL and now that I'm all caught up on Good Wife I should start a new show!
